Do You Know…The Art Show: Magnifying Youth Voices September 17, 2020 The Magnify Voices Expressive Arts Contest shines a light on children’s mental health and encourages Granite State youth to raise awareness, erase stigma and help others across New Celebrate Mental Health, Children's Mental Health, End Stigma, Mental Health Awareness Month Read more
Meet the 2020 Champions September 8, 2020 Riverbend is pleased to announce this year’s Champions for Mental Health Brielle (Bre) Paquette and Emily Galeva Brielle Paquette is an 18 year old, Salem High Senior. She is Award, Celebrate Mental Health, Champions, change mental health, Children's Mental Health, Treatment Works Read more
Covid-19 & Kids Mental Health August 6, 2020 Hosts Chris Ryan and Paul Quitadamo are joined on this edition of the show by Riverbend’s Director of the Children’s Program Melissa Colby. Listen Now Children's Mental Health, Treatment Works, You Are Not Alone Read more
NH Gives: You Are invited to Join Us June 8, 2020 We are living in uncertain times and dealing with long lists of unknowns right now – including when things will “go back to normal” and what “normal” looks #mentalhealthmatters, addiction treatment, Children's Mental Health, Donation, Homelessness, Integrated Health, Psychiatric Emergency Services, recovery, Suicide Prevention, Treatment Works Read more
Talking with Children in Challenging Times June 4, 2020 In these challenging times for everyone, how do talk to you children when you as the care-giver are feeling anxious and stressed? When is it time to seek #coronavirus, #mentalhealthmatters, Children's Mental Health, Treatment Works Read more
Schools Out – What’s the summer going to look like for families? May 28, 2020 Schools out and summer is here. Childcare & summer camps are unsure of their next steps. How is COVID-19 affecting our most vulnerable kids? Hosts Chris Ryan and #coronavirus, #mentalhealthmatters, #weareinthistogether, Children's Mental Health Read more
A Message from Dr. Amy Stultz May 6, 2020 Hear from Riverbend’s Dr. Stultz on how the Children’s program has adapted to these unusual circumstances, and her advice on maintaining mental health during this time. Listen Now #coronavirus, #mentalhealthmatters, #weareinthistogether, Children's Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness Month, TIP Tuesday Read more
Remote learning during COVID-19 April 17, 2020 Co-hosts Chris Ryan and Paul Quitadamo talk with Bow School Psychologist Julie Bassi and 4th grade teachers Jess & Mel. Listen Now #coronavirus, #mentalhealthmatters, #weareinthistogether, Children's Mental Health Read more